Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can I put a cylinder regulator on a station drop? If not, why?
Can I put a cylinder regulator on a station drop? If not, why? No you cannot use a cylinder regulator on a station drop or any low pressure pipeline. CGA only allows CGA 024 (oxygen), 025 (fuel gas), 034 (inert regulator), or 5/8 18 (inert) flowmeter. The CGA fitting must match the pipeline capabilities and most pipelines are rated 235 psi or less.
2. When am I required to use a flashback arrestor?
A wet or dry flashback is required to perform the following 3 functions: (a) prevent backflow of oxygen into the fuel gas supply system; (b) prevent the passage of flame into the fuel gas supply system (flashback): (c) prevent the development of a fuel gas-oxygen mixture at sufficient pressure so that its ignition would achieve combustion pressures that could cause failure to perform functions (a) and (b).
3. What kind of piping can I use to pipe my pipeline?
Acetylene piping shall be steel. Oxygen and other gases shall be steel, brass, copper pipe or seamless copper, brass or stainless steel tubing. Ropex/kitech piping is only approved for inert gases.
4. How much gas can I have in a building?
Fuel gas cylinders connected to one manifold within a building shall be limited to 3000 ft3.
Oxygen cylinders connected to one manifold within a building shall be limited to 6500 ft3.
5. Can I put oxygen and fuel gas manifold in same room?
Yes, if oxygen and fuel gas manifold are in the same room they must be separated by 20 ft or a barrier of noncombustible material at least 5 ft high having a fire rating of ½ hr.
6. How many outlets can I have on my station drops?
Oxygen and fuel gas drops are limited to 4 outlets after the ball valve and check valve. Inert gases are unlimited on outlets.
7. Do I have to put labels on my station drop or pipeline?
Yes, each individual station drop must be labeled and the pipeline must be labeled from sightline to sightline.
8. Can Rexarc build a custom manifold for me?
Yes Rexarc builds many custom manifolds to many specs. Please contact customer service.
9. Can Rexarc build a manifold to use 6000 psi cylinders?
Yes, Rexarc uses stainless steel to build their 6k manifolds and can be customized per customer needs.
10. Can Rexarc work with engineering firms or architects to help come up with the appropriate system?
Yes, Rexarc has the qualified technical people to look at specification requirements to help with sizing and suggesting the appropriate need.