Our Bright History
Founded in 1924 by local inventor Will Swift and local business man Carl Smith, the Sight Feed Generator Company was created in a garage when the two saw an opportunity to create a bright future.
By the late 1920’s, the success of the business pushed a move into two old tobacco barns which provided needed manufacturing and assembly space. The new location also offered a strategic shipping location with the barns being located along a regularly used rail way
As the company continued to grow, so did its product line, with the company expanding the use of the Sight Feed Generator into Floodlights and flare-lights.
Little did the company know that these increases in application would make it a prime product that would be called upon for support of the allied efforts in WWII. As is often the case, these boom years were met with a significant downturn for the company as the equipment used for the war effort re-entered the market after it was no longer needed.
To address this, the company developed larger and larger stationary generators for industrial use within the pipelines of manufacturing facilities.
Also seeing a shift in the market towards acetylene distribution and use in cylinders, a team of engineers began applying the knowledge gained from over 20 years of generator innovations into a closed loop, on-demand cylinder filling system which was smaller, safer, and more efficient for gas producers. Again revolutionizing a market, the bright future continued and the company remained committed to developing more efficient systems within Medium Pressure Acetylene Generation Plants.
By the 1960’s, the development team at a newly renamed company of Rexarc, had developed a fully automatic generator that could be operated safely and efficiently, as well as easily support plant expansions as they were needed.
Over the next 50 years and into today, the company designed, produced, and shipped Acetylene Plants of various sizes to over 80 countries that meet the needs of industries and applications in acetylene gas.
As the refinement of equipment design continued, other areas of development included improved purification methods and safety devices. These safe and efficient operations make Rexarc acetylene plants among the most desirable equipment today.
Still located on the site of those original tobacco barns, the company remains committed to developing innovations in the acetylene process with recent product developments that include automated solvent filling to improve operator efficiency as they weigh in cylinders prior to filling, and again prior to distribution for use. Data logging and reporting development provide additional insights into plant efficiency.
Today, and the future continue to shine brightly at Rexarc as we apply our knowledge, attitude, equipment, and processes to support your needs in the vessel production and value add services of piping, instrumentation, paint, and other controls integration. Rexarc is the global leader in acetylene gas plant production, and is trusted in over 50 countries around the world with the generation, purification, and compression of the highly volatile gas.
Rexarc’s traditions of customization, communication, and on-time delivery of products has been passed down through four generations of owners and 95-plus years of business.
Our customers know that we were here yesterday, we are here today, and we will be here tomorrow.
Interested in being a part of the Rexarc team? CLICK HERE
Meet the People Who Built It
We make purchasing decisions every day without ever knowing who was behind building what was bought. At Rexarc, we are an empowered work force building an exceptional company and I feel it’s worth sharing with the world who we are at a much more foundational level. With this, I’ve started a series of communications called ‘Meet the People Who Built It’ in which we will be highlighting the talents, skills, and interests of Rexarc much beyond those who get to interact with our customers and prospects on a daily basis. It’s my hope that you enjoy learning about who else plays a vital role in servicing your acetylene plant needs. – Rob Moyer – CEO

Justin Buchanan
Justin attended Miami Valley Career Technology Center for welding and upon graduation started in structural steel building trade. After taking a break from welding for a short time, Justin came to Rexarc to apply his knowledge and passion for welding and fabrication. He looks forward to a long and rewarding career as a Rexarc team member!
Favorite Quote: “Lazy people do a little work and think they should be winning. Winners work as hard as possible and still worry if they’re being lazy.” Lewis Caralla
Hobbies: Motorsports, SXS’s, Building SXS Roll Cages, Engines etc.
Most exciting project you’ve worked on: Learning Sellers Manufacturing and Plug Power.
Jerrod Clack
Jerrod started his welding journey in 2010 by attending Hobart Institute of Welding Technology. After graduation, Jerrod worked in various industries before returning to Hobart as an instructor in 2017. While teaching he obtained his certified welding inspector credentials and joined Team Rexarc in November of 2020.
Favorite Quote: “The better ambitions have to do with the development of character and ability, rather than status and power. Status you can lose. You carry character with you wherever you go, and it allows you to prevail against adversity.” Jordan Peterson
Hobbies: Riding Motorcycles and Target Shooting
Most exciting project you’ve worked on: Relativity Space was my favorite project because it was challenging and rewarding.
Brett Sizemore
Brett was a Rexarc employee from 2011-2013. After exploring other career opportunities, Brett returned to Rexarc in 2023 to build compressors, pressure test vessels and assist with other general assembly work. Brett is a high school graduate of Twin Valley South, Class of 2006 as well as Miami Valley Career Technology Center for Automotive Technician, Class of 2006. After high school Brett pursued a career in Fire and Emergency Medical Services. He was a Level 1 Firefighter and First Responder for West Alexandria for 9 years.
Hobbies: Fishing, Hunting and Cooking on his BBQ Smoker.
Most exciting project you’ve worked on: Anything that is challenging!

During his tenure of 21 years at Rexarc, Kendall Clack has exceled in the application of his skills in pipe-fitting through the building of Rexarc compressors, piping and assembly of purification skids, and the assembly of generators of all types, but that’s not all. Kendall exhibits a great attitude of ‘get it done’ regardless of the need, even being voluntarily flexible with his holiday/vacation plans to be available to help a customer who’s plant was down and needed a critical piece of equipment to get back up and running. In addition to pipe fitting, Kendall has completed courses in Industrial Maintenance and is a valued team member who supports customers and Rexarc in many, many ways.
Favorite Quote: The past is history, the future a mystery.
Hobbies: Re-purposing unusable items for new uses. – Examples include turning an old door into a cabinet and an old industrial outdoor light into a kitchen light.
Most exciting project you’ve worked on: When I was put in charge of building my first generator, process skid, and compressor after being trained.
Biggest change at Rexarc since you’ve been on the team: – Change has been constant since I’ve joined Rexarc. From part location philosophy to the culture, it has all changed.