Through four generations of family ownership, the Smith Family Foundation was created in 1995 to more formally return thanks to the community that has been integral to the long-term success of the company.
Over the years, the benefactors of the foundation have changed, but the focus has always been on the next generation of leaders, our youth. It is through the foundation that non-profits are financially supported through annual donations.
When considering who to support, priority it placed on serving the basic needs of local youth.
Ohio Business Week Receives Largest Private Donation In 30+ Years
Alumnus Rob Moyer Sends Nearly 60 High School Students to Ohio’s Premiere Summer Entrepreneurship Program
COLUMBUS, OHIO – JUNE 11, 2019 – Today, the non-profit organization Ohio Business Week announces the receipt of a $25,000 donation from Rob Moyer, CEO of Rexarc (of West Alexandria, Ohio) and 2000 Ohio Business Week alumnus – the largest private donation ever given to the organization in its 30 year history.
The donation, funded through Moyer’s family foundation, will help the organization sponsor nearly 60 high school students from across Ohio attend the intense week-long business program in Athens, Ohio.
“Ohio Business Week was one of those critical moments in my development as a business professional and community leader,” said Rob Moyer, CEO of Rexarc and 2000 Ohio Business Week Alumnus. “It was at Ohio Business Week that I was given the opportunity to build a foundation that has helped set the course for my own life. As I grew older and became more established, I always wanted to give back to those organizations that paved the way forward. Ohio Business Week has always been at the top of that list as it not only provided me with the tools to understand the business world, it gave me a strong network of mentors and peers that I still rely on today.”

Rexarc Celebrates National Manufacturing Day 2017
On Friday, October 6th, Rexarc participated in the annual National Manufacturing Day in the US. This event is a celebration of modern manufacturing meant to inspire the next generation of manufacturers. The event occurs on the first Friday in October, each year. In 2017, Rexarc hosted 13 students from Twin Valley South High School.

Rexarc Celebrates Giving with TVS
For the second year in a row Rexarc International has chosen to have the CSR initiative – Giving Tree. To inspire the giving of employees, Rexarc matched each employee gift of a hat and/or gloves.
The initiative was well-received again this year by our employees, who contributed over 20 sets of hats and gloves.
On December 19, 2016, the Rexarc team members delivered the total donation of 71 pairs of gloves and 48 hats to TVS SUCCESS Liaison Allie Shafer at Twin Valley South School, who will distribute it to those in need.

Rexarc’s Team at The National Manufacturing Day
National Manufacturing Day is celebrated in order to provide an insight to the public about manufacturing business and drawing their attention towards a career in manufacturing.
We are proud to host 3 Schools on the National Manufacturing Day this year and nearly 140 students attended Rexarc’s facility tour and Presentation.
The attending schools were Valley View, Dixie and Twin Valley South.

RexArc walking club turns into foodbank charity drive:
First Posted: 3:42 pm – December 1st, 2015 Updated: 3:42 pm – December 1st, 2015. By Austin Schmidta – Email:aschmidt @
WEST ALEXANDRIA —The RexArc Corporation in West Alexandria turned a walking club into a charity drive, and the company donated $425 to the West Alexandria Foodbank just in time for Thanksgiving.
“We’re very proud to raise the $425,” Tiffany Wendling, project engineer at Rex Arc, said about the drive. “It was a great opportunity for employees to get engaged with the community they work and live in.”
To raise the money, 18 workers at the West Alexandria location walked quarter mile laps around the RexArc facility. Each lap the employees walked raised 15 cents for the food bank. Workers found time to walk before and after work as well as during lunch breaks according to Wendling.
Wendling explained how the project got its start. “In early March I presented the idea of a walking club to Rob, and we worked together to define the parameters of a program and select the organization we would support,” she said. “I am passionate about the homeless and hungry so I did a little research about local organizations and we decided that a great charity would be the West Alexandria Foodbank.”
It’s a brand new program for the company, who hopes to continue to develop new ways to give back to the community.
In total, the 18 participants in the walking club collectively walked 2,835 laps or 708.25miles which equates to $425 earned for the West Alexandria Foodbank.
Five members walked more the 230 laps between March 30, when the club started and Labor Day, Sept. 7, when it ended.
Those employees who averaged two laps per day or walked a total of 230 laps were also awarded a t-shirt for their efforts.
Mark Elliott, an employee with RexArc, said, “If there was silver lining involved, a lot of employees who don’t see each other on a day-to-day basis got to spend time together, and develop new relationships.” This was an unexpected benefit of the program, according to Wendling.
Reach Austin Schmidt at 937-683-4062 or on Twitter @aschmidt_RH.